Sup! There’s a TL;DR version of this post at the bottom. Everyone else, read on!

I like to make goals for Second Lunch. It’s how I stay engaged and interested with blogging. I think of those goals as mountains, ones that I know I can summit. Some of them easily, and some of them laboriously, but always attainable. Most of those goals are specific things I want to do in a new post.

You may remember that I took a hiatus during summer. It’s around that time that I began noticing a mountain way off in the distance that just towers over the rest of them. It’s massive because it’s made up of several different goals. And I’m not quite where I want to be as creator in order to properly go after it. It also appears to be jagged, snow capped, and quite possibly littered with zombies, spiders, and zombie spiders (I haven’t hiked a mountain in a few years, so I assume the games changed).

What I’m trying to say, is that this heavily defended mountain is a project for Second Lunch that I’ve subconsciously been marching towards for the past several months. And when I feel ready, I will be hell bent on attempting to complete it.

please no zombie spiders
I’d love to tell you more about this project, but the embarrassing truth is that I don’t fully understand what it is. And it is a few months away from being possible to start building.

I have a fairly solid concept of what it is I want to accomplish, but I first need to get better at a few different things before I can realistically attempt it. Refining my illustration style was just one of many items on a checklist of those things that I need to improve upon.

There’s also no endgame in mind for this project. It’s a passion project, a labor of love. It’s something I have to do because I am obsessed with making things, as well as pushing the creative boundaries of what a WordPress blog can do.

Um, great, Tim…but if you don’t even know what “it” is or if “it” is even possible, why are you even telling us then?Also, WHY ARE YOU IN YOUR UNDERWEAR?!

No pants, yoThe truth is, I need to take some time to think about this project without the pressure of putting out weekly content. I need the type of thinking that requires long sips of whiskey and the rubbing of my chin. So I need to take a mini-hiatus. That means there will be one more post (published sometime between Xmas and NYE) and then I’ll be back to regular posting on Jan 7th 2013.

It’s not a hiatus similar to the one I took earlier this year. This is more of just a weird schedule shift here at Second Lunch. I’ll still be all up on the Facebook and the Twitter and the reading of blogs and all that jazz. I mean, how jarring was the comparison I showed you guys on Facebook between a drawing I did in high school and my current illustration style?

before and after

Also, It’s the holiday season anyway, I feel like it will be a little bit slower on the internet. So this is probably a good time to take a little bit of a breather before starting the new year.

OK, this is getting rambly. I just want to say that when I’m back from this mini-hiatus it’ll be business as usual. And I won’t mention this hypothetical blog project again until I know for sure that I can attempt it. But I just wanted you guys to know why I need to take a step back and mess up the schedule for a little bit.

Cool? Cool. Let’s hug it out.

hugzzzzzI finished laundry a while ago. I just chose not to wear clothes in our imaginary hug.

TL;DR: There’s a project I want to complete for the blog. I’m taking a mini-hiatus to think about it some more. Back to normal posting on Jan 7th 2013.

Okay, what about you guys? Have you ever had something nagging at you that you just needed to create? A novel? A piece of music? An amazing Minecraft city? I’m interested, so TELL ME!

34 Responses to “Something wonderful in the distance…”

  1. Margarita

    You’re already building it, Tim, and you’ve BEEN building it. You’re only just realizing it now. I’m building all the time, it just hasn’t been made clear to me WHAT! Happy hiatus! xoxoM


  2. Rocket

    I do actually plan on finishing some of my music projects, haha. Also after a kinda long break from blogging, I’m hoping to get back in there slowly. I am also on a quest to find the world’s most bounciest bed. I hope you get out what you want from your mini-hiatus! Good Luck Tim, you don’t need much! :D


    • timmer

      Thanks Rocket! Good to see you kicking around WordPress. Good luck with the music projects. I think I have some to work on myself :P


  3. Lily in the Nova

    It was really nice to read this. I’ve had a project in my head for a while and I decided I might be ready to actually start it in the new year. I’ve spent a lot of time just thinking it over and trying to fit the obscure pieces together. Hopefully, come New Year, I can start gluing it together!

    Lots of luck for your project!


    • timmer

      Thanks. I like the idea of big projects that take us out of our comfort zones. I have a lot of skill sharpening and studying ahead of me before I delve into it.


  4. vyvacious

    Dang it! I was hoping to see more of your posts! At least I can stalk you on Facebook and Twitter so it’s all good. Maybe you’ll even visit my blog a time or two… *ahem* :P

    Also, your last “imaginary” hug illustration should have shown the the other person with one of his/her legs straddled around you. I think that shows a deeper hug, really. ‘Cuz that’s how I hug people.


    • timmer

      Yes yes I will be on the book and the twits.

      Oh, and I visited (every now and then). I read your urinal post, remember :P…but you’ll probably come to see that I’m a rogue blogger.


      • vyvacious

        Yes I remembered :) I was very excited about your presence on my blog. Haha.

        What do you mean you’re a rogue blogger?


      • timmer

        I don’t get out much to visit other blogs because I get caught up in what I’m working on. It’s a bad habit to have as a blogger :P


      • vyvacious

        Ah, I see. But if you’re taking a hiatus maybe you’ll have a little more time to visit us humble, little blogs…? :P


      • timmer

        I do wander a little more into the blogosphere when I’m on a creative break.

        Oh, and I wouldn’t say “humble, little blogs” I’d say ‘Up and Coming”


  5. Danielle

    The Novel is nagging me. And fiction writing in general. I already have a little box of writerly supplies packed to take with me and retreat over the Xmas-New Year week I will spend at the in laws. Time to Get. This. Shit. Done. :)


    • timmer

      Good luck! I do very very little writing, but the most productive I’ve ever been was in a little beach cabin without the internet. Nothing like a little disconnection to keep you focused.


  6. setinmotion

    I go on holidays from work from the 24th to the 7th, so not only will I not be at work trying to find something to read in my lunch break, but I also understand how necessary it is to have a well-deserved break!

    Happy Holidays!


  7. aliceatwonderland

    I’ve been needing a blog break too – though I have no idea of a project yet. Just getting, well, tired I guess. I love your little people though. I’m a pretty good artist too, but the simple drawings are easier to do and I think easier to duplicate, like in a cartoon. To be able to do this on the web is very nice. I’ve heard of a lot of webcomics out there that are quite popular. Have a nice break.


    • timmer

      I don’t read too many webcomics, but I think the simplicity in the drawings gives most of them a certain amount of charm and definitely helps put the humor/punchline center stage. Like you said it is much easier to duplicate this style, which makes it easier for me to get a lot more content out.

      If I ever get a moment when I’m not trying to make blog content, which seems to be rarely, I’ll try and dabble in a bit more technical drawing. I’m still trying to understand the fundamentals of basic drawing.


  8. hashimeansbridge

    I know exactly what you mean about the project-that-cannot-be-named. You just get that nagging feeling, and you have to marinate with it for a while to figure out what it is. Good luck!!!! And merry Christmas and happy new year!


    • timmer

      Well, I think I know the working title!

      “The project-that-cannot-be-named”

      Yes, it needs to marinate, I can’t wait to catch the spark and start making it.


  9. ngnrdgrl

    I have a project in my head too. After Christmas, I really need to get full steam ahead on it. Can’t wait to find out what your mountain is really about! Hopefully the zombies are the slow, dumb kind. ;)


  10. Angela

    Tim–I am a n00b to your blog but I love it! Your thoughts here have helped me put things into perspective a bit!


  11. ellawilliams

    This struck a cord, I figure though that having a blog in itself is symptomatic of my ‘mountain’. So much to achieve – not sure what it is but I’m just going to keep experimenting until something works!



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