Attention Lunchers!

You might not have noticed, but I’ve placed my updated posting schedule on my homepage. Here it is as well:

TWICE A MONTH (at a minimum*)

*I’m gonna try and supplement that posting schedule by posting quicker illustrations elsewhere, particularly Facebook, like I’ve been doing lately.

In my last blog post I alluded to a really big project that I wanted to attempt in 2013. I even took a “hiatus” to mull the whole thing over.

Well guess what? I’ve already started laying the groundwork for this project. IT’S HAPPENING. *Does karate moves*

There’s a lot of time and effort I have to put into getting the project off the ground. So, unfortunately, that means I have to significantly reduce the amount of content being published on Second Lunch by deploying the posting schedule in the loud font above.

It won’t be ready for at least a few months (and that’s with me working on it on a nearly daily basis), but I will release few tidbits of information regarding the project along the way.

Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll still be in the neighborhood hanging out with you all. The only difference is that I just have a semi-secret project that I’m nerding out on in my garage at night.

Hugs and Auto-tuned Farts,


4 Responses to “Less Second Lunch will make a better Second Lunch”

  1. Margarita

    Ah, no worries, Tim, I needed to reduce my calorie intake for now – you know, post-holiday bloat! I’ll be here when you are! xoxoM


  2. Lily in the Nova

    That’s great news that you’ve started on your project! Wishing you luck for this new adventure! :)


  3. becca3416

    I’m going to be patiently waiting over here. Tapping my fingers… twiddling my thumbs… throwing tantrums… doing cartwheels… chugging ketchup… you know, stuff patient people do.



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