When I saw that Le Clown–a true tour de force within the WordPress community–was rallying the blogosphere to raise awareness of prostate cancer with his Bloggers for Movember initiative, I was all, “Hellz yeah! LET’S ANNIHILATE SOME MOTHER FRACKING CANCER!”

But instead of a post, I thought I’d do something a little different, I thought I’d do something more in my wheelhouse.

I remember working on my first blog banner when I began this site back in January and wondering if I would ever bust out of the single-digit daily pageviews. Less than a year later, that apprehension has been absolutely crushed. I’m beyond ecstatic and eternally grateful that so many people have–and continue to–come to my blog.

So, for the month of November, I’ll be replacing the 3 major icons on my main page (also pictured below) with “Movember Editions” in hopes of just getting people thinking about this terrible form of cancer when they land here at Second Lunch.

Ok, that’s all for now, I’m off to go kick cancer in the throat.

Pssst, between you and me and the rest of the internet, there just might even be another Second Lunch / Bloggers for Movember mash-up planned in the near future! So, um, I guess you’ll just have to wait and see. 

11 Responses to “Movember”

  1. Le Clown

    These are magnificent™. I would like to spread the joy, but first, go and read your emails…
    Le Clown



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